Controls & Chat
spacebar - Interact
I - Open inventory
M - Open map
P - Open pokedex
C - Open clan interface
B - Use bike/mount. If you have more than one, it will use the first one in your inventory
F - Fish. If you have more than one fishing rod, it will use the first one in your inventory
Add these symbols to the start of your message to post in the respective chat without having the tab open.
! - English
& - Non English
$ - Trading
* - Local
% - Clan
# - Custom
Name Colours
You might notice some players have different colour names - these are the meanings.
White - No gold membership
Gold - Has gold membership
Purple - Sponsor (reached by donating 500,000 credits)
Green - Chat moderator
Light Blue - Global moderator
Red - Admin
Note that some of these commands may not yet be functional since the Unity migration.
@username message - Private message another player
/r - Reply to last private message
/trade username - Trade another player
/battle username - Battle another player (singles)
/battle username 2 - Battle another player (doubles)
/battle username 3 - Battle another player (triples)
/pokemon - Display wild Pokemon in your area
/time - Display in-game time
/clearchat - Clear the chat
/exp - Display your overall exp
/weeklyexp - Display your weekly exp
/pp - Display your current and total Philanthropist Points
/wbd - Active world boss damage
/wbhp - Active world boss HP
/encounters - Display your total encounters
/resetencounters - Reset /encounters count
/swarm - Displays information on the current active swarm
/lle - Display your number of encounters without a legendary
/setlle - Assign legacy LLE to a particular legendary
/getllerate - Display current LLE rate
/altar - Display altar progress
/chests - Display number of active treasure chests
/lures - Display active honey and shiny lure maps
/bts - Display battle tower stats
/version - Display client and server API version
Custom Chat
/createchat name - Create chat
/chatinvite username - Invite player to chat
/chatkick username - Remove player from chat
/chatmembers - Display chat members
/chatdisband - Disband chat
/chatleave - Leave chat
/discord - Open official discord channel
/faq - Open FAQ
/forums - Open forums
/guide - Open guide
/help - Display list of commands
/highscores - Open highscores
/patchnotes - Open patchnotes
/rules - Open rules
/twitter - Open twitter