Encounter Rates
An encounter rate refers to how likely you are to encounter a particular rarity of Pokemon. For example, the base Very Rare encounter rate is 1/600; this means, for each wild Pokemon encounter, there is a 1/600 chance for a Pokemon to be Very Rare. If there are multiple Very Rare Pokemon in that area, the rate is still 1/600, and the Very Rare Pokemon is chosen at random.
Base Rates
Uncommon: ~1/7.7
Rare: 1/60
Very Rare: 1/600
Extremely Rare: 1/5,000
Event Legendary: 1/80,000
Shiny: 1/8,192
Elite: 1/200
Altering Cave Rates
Altering Cave gives an encounter rate boost of 1.3x.
Rare: 1/46
Very Rare: 1/461
Extremely Rare: 1/3,846
Mining Rates
Red, Blue, Green, Prism, Pale
Red, Blue, Green, Prism and Pale rocks give an encounter rate boost of 1.25x (excluding legendaries).
Rare: 1/48
Very Rare: 1/480
Extremely Rare: 1/4,000
Dark, Lava
Dark and Lava rocks give an encounter rate boost of 2x.
Rare: 1/30
Very Rare: 1/300
Extremely Rare: 1/2,500
Items That Affect Rates
GM Ticket - Increase encounter rates of UC/R/VR/ER/L by 50%, and shiny by 20%
Honey - Increase encounter rates by 25%
Shiny Lure - Increase encounter rate of shiny Pokemon by 25%
Shiny Charm - Increase encounter rate of shiny Pokemon by 25%
Shiny Egg - Increase encounter rate of shiny Pokemon by 25%
Rare Charm - Increase encounter rates by 10%
Hunter Charm - Increase encounter rates by 20% in exchange for less money and exp
Various Enhanced legendary items - Increase legendary encounter rate by 20%
Legendless Encounters (LLE)
LLE is a mechanism in which your chance of encountering legendary Pokemon increases the longer you go without encountering one. Each time you encounter a non-legendary wild Pokemon, in a location where a legendary can be encountered, your LLE for that legendary increases by 1. As your LLE increases, so does your legendary encounter rate.
LLE is per legendary. If you encounter 100 wild Pokemon in Mewtwo's Lair without finding Mewtwo, your "Mewtwo LLE" will increase by 100.
The boost rate follows an s-curve. This means that the boost starts off slowly, and increases slowly, then around the average encounter rate (95-100K) growth accelerates exponentially, reaching max boost very quickly, then it tapers off around 200K LLE at its maximum boost value of ~80% (This does not mean an 80% chance of encounter, but that the chance of an encounter is boosted by 80%).
Sync rate also increases with LLE. From 0 LLE, you will have a 26% sync rate. At 150k LLE, the sync rate caps out at 100%.
Mining uses LLE. 1 LLE is granted for every successful mining action if you meet the requirements to encounter the mining legendaries.
Event legendaries are unaffected by LLE.
You can view your current LLE with the /lle
LLE used to be shared across all legendaries. If you have still have LLE from this old system, you
can assign it to a legendary of your choice with the /setlle
- Swarm maps grant an additional 25% boost to encounter rates (10% for legendaries), as well as a 10% boost to shiny rate
- Legendary encounter rate on gold rush maps from gold rocks are increased by 100%
- Elite encounter rate does not change
- Events will often have days with x2/x3 encounter rate for legendaries/shinies
Calculate exact rates using the Encounter Rates Calculator.