World Bosses
Every 24-48 hours, a world boss will appear on a random map. A world boss is a random legendary Pokemon with boosted stats, whose HP pool is shared between all players. Players must work together to defeat the legendary in order to receive rewards.
When a world boss is active, there will be a notification in the top-left next to the blessings.
A Power Ticket will reveal the time until the next world boss appears. This ticket can be obtained by defeating the Kanto Elite 4.
Some information about World Bosses:
- World bosses cannot be caught
- You have a 50% chance of encountering the world boss when it is active
- World bosses appear at level 85
- World bosses have boosted HP (13,000,000) and base stats (1.75x)
- World bosses have special moves that allow them to reset stat changes
- World bosses can be re-encountered if you run/faint
- /wbd - Your total damage to the active world boss
- /wbhp - The active world bosses remaining HP
Changes to Moves & Abilities
Some moves and abilities behave slightly differently against world bosses:
- Accuracy and Evasion modifiers have no effect
- World bosses immediately snap out of confusion
- The following abilities do not work: Imposter, Magician, Pickpocket, Wonder Guard
- The following moves do not work: Bestow, Encore, Entrainment, Grudge, Guard Split, Power Split, Psych Up, Role Play, Simple Beam, Skill Swap, Soak, Switcheroo, Taunt, Transform, Trick,
- OHKO moves, or instant KO moves like Destiny Bond, do not work
- Indirect damage effects (burn, poison, Rocky Helmet) damage capped at 200
- Leech Seed damage capped at 50
- Super Fang damage capped at 100
- Stored Power base power capped at 180
- Power Trip base power capped at 180
- Foul Play attack stat capped at 500
- Fury Cutter damage reduced by 20%
In addition to their 4 moves, all world bosses have a small chance to use the following 3 moves:
- Divine Grace - clears the users stat changes and status conditions (will always be used if the user has -4 or less in any stat)
- Divine Punishment - clears the targets stat changes (will always be used if the target has +5 or more in any stat)
- Divine Judgement - deals damage to the targets entire party
Useful Pokemon
There are many viable Pokemon that can be used to fight world bosses, here are some of the more popular ones.
Krookodile - Damage dealer. Notable moves: Power Trip.
Scizor - Damage dealer. Notable moves: Fury Cutter.
Diggersby - Damage dealer.
Whimsicott - Utility. Sets up Leech Seed / Worry Seed with Prankster.
Ferrothorn - Utility. Notable moves: Leech Seed / Worry Seed.
Chansey - Utility/Tank. Can set up Thunder Wave / Confide / Tail Whip.
Mew - Utility/Baton-Passer. Learns a number of useful moves.
Each World Boss has a set number of movesets that is randomly chosen each time. This means that it's possible to build teams in advance that will counter (or try to) each world boss and their possible movesets.
Divine Grace/Punishment make it difficult to attempt set-up sweeps. In spite of that, set-up sweeps are still generally considered to be the best way to deal massive amounts of damage and reach the higher damage tiers.
(strategies coming soon)
The more damage you deal to the world boss, the higher chance you have of receiving better rewards. Damage tiers are 2.5k/10k/25k/50k/100k/300k/400k. This means that if you deal 10k damage to the world boss, you have a higher chance of receiving better rewards than someone who dealt 2.5k damage. You must reach 2.5k damage to receive any rewards.
The player who gets the killing blow receives a bonus IV Reset.
In addition to the rewards below, the players with the 1st/2nd/3rd most damage have a 15/10/5% chance, respectively, of receiving a Legendary Egg. This egg is untradable and contains the legendary that was defeated.
Note: You must deal a minimum of 25k damage to have a chance of receiving charms.
Possible Bosses
Known Held Items: Assault Vest
Known Moves: Hurricane, Frost Breath, Mist, Toxic, Water Pulse, Hidden Power (Fire), Blizzard,
Laser Focus, Giga Impact
Known Held Items: Electric Gem, Muscle Band
Known Moves: Heat Wave, Drill Peck, Laser Focus, Discharge, Hidden Power (Ice), Thunderbolt,
Giga Impact, Wild Charge
Known Held Items: Wise Glasses, Binding Band
Known Moves: Air Slash, Laser Focus, Giga Impact, Fire Blast, Hurricane, Hidden Power (Grass),
Toxic, Fire Spin, Return
Known Held Items: Expert Belt
Known Moves: Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Aura Sphere
Known Held Items: Wise Glasses, Assault Vest
Known Moves: Thunderbolt, Extrasensory, Crunch, Laser Focus, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, Hidden
Power (Ice)
Known Held Items: Muscle Band
Known Moves: Sacred Fire, Stomping Tantrum, Stone Edge, Laser Focus, Iron Head
Known Held Items: -
Known Moves: Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Hidden Power (Electric), Return, Extrasensory,
Ice Beam
Known Held Items: Light Clay
Known Moves: Psyshock, Dragon Pulse, Energy Ball, Reflect, Thunderbolt, Light Screen, Surf,
Reflect Type
Known Held Items: Muscle Band, Expert Belt, Damp Rock
Known Moves: Psyshock, Dragon Claw, Waterfall, Earthquake, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball,
Light Screen, Surf, Thunder, Rain Dance
Known Held Items: Light Clay, Muscle Band
Known Moves: Zen Headbutt, U-turn, Light Screen, Toxic, Thunderbolt, Fire Punch, Yawn, Psychic,
Signal Beam
Known Held Items: Muscle Band
Known Moves: Zen Headbutt, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, U-turn, Ice Punch, Iron Tail
Known Held Items: Wise Glasses
Known Moves: Psyshock, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Flamethrower, Zen Headbutt, Thunderbolt,
Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam
Known Held Items: Wise Glasses, Expert Belt
Known Moves: Magma Storm, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Stone Edge
Known Held Items: Muscle Band, Assault Vest
Known Moves: Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Return, Knock Off, Dizzy Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch,
Thunder Punch, Heavy Slam, Toxic
Giratina (Event-only)
Known Held Items: -
Known Moves: -
Known Held Items: Wise Glasses, Light Clay
Known Moves: Psyshock, Moonblast, Ice Beam, Hidden Power (Fire), Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Light
Known Held Items: Wide Lens
Known Moves: Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Haze, Dark Void, Psychic
Known Held Items: Assault Vest, Muscle Band
Known Moves: Seed Flare, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Seed Bomb, Zen Headbutt, Return
Yveltal (Event-only)
Known Held Items: -
Known Moves: -