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Mining is one of two skills in PokeNexus. With just a pickaxe, you can mine rocks in various caves to obtain gemstones, which can then be sold for money to Mining Vendors. As you mine, you will gain mining exp and increase your mining level, granting the ability to use better pickaxes and mine more valuable rocks. Increasing your mining will also allow you to mine rocks faster.

With a pickaxe in your inventory, use spacebar to start mining a rock.


Note: in addition to the gemstones, rocks can also contain various other items and Pokemon.

Red Rock

Mining level required: 1
Exp: 15-30
Contains: Red Gemstone ($50 each)
Respawn: ~4 seconds
Locations: Mt. Moon, Diglett's Cave, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Hellfire Cavern, Turtle Cove, Kanto Victory Road, Dark Cave, Mt. Coronet, Clay Tunnel.

Mining level required: 10
Exp: 40-55
Contains: Blue Gemstone ($100 each)
Respawn: ~4-7 seconds
Locations: Mt. Moon, Diglett's Cave, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Hellfire Cavern, Turtle Cove, Kanto Victory Road, Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Dragon's Den, Sinnoh Underground, Relic Passage, Twist Mountain.

Mining level required: 20
Exp: 90-120
Contains: Green Gemstone ($200 each)
Respawn: ~13 seconds
Locations: Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Hellfire Cavern, Turtle Cove, Kanto Victory Road, Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Dragon's Den, Mossy Cave, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine, Mt. Coronet, Celestic Ruins, Spear Pillar, Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Giant Chasm.

Mining level required: 35
Exp: 170-220
Contains: Prism Gemstone ($400 each)
Respawn: ~25-28 seconds
Locations: Seafoam Islands, Hellfire Cavern, Turtle Cove, Kanto Victory Road, Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Dragon's Den, Mossy Cave, Ancient Dungeon, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine, Sinnoh Underground, Mt. Coronet, Celestic Ruins, Spear Pillar, Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Twist Mountain, Giant Chasm, Reversal Mountain, Unova Victory Road.

Mining level required: 50
Exp: 330-480
Contains: Pale Gemstone ($550 each)
Respawn: ~45-55 seconds
Locations: Hellfire Cavern, Kanto Victory Road, Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Dragon's Den, Mossy Cave, Ancient Dungeon, Oreburgh Mine, Sinnoh Underground, Mt. Coronet, Celestic Ruins, Spear Pillar, Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Twist Mountain, Giant Chasm, Reversal Mountain, Unova Victory Road, Whirl Islands B3.

Mining level required: 65
Exp: 150-200
Contains: Dark Gemstone ($900 each)
Respawn: ~120-180 seconds
Locations: Kanto Victory Road, Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Mossy Cave, Ancient Dungeon, Oreburgh Mine, Sinnoh Underground, Mt. Coronet, Spear Pillar, Stark Mountain, Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Twist Mountain, Giant Chasm, Reversal Mountain, Unova Victory Road, Water Temple, Mewtwo's Lair, Whirl Islands B3.

Mining level required: 65
Exp: 750-900
Contains: Red Gemstone x3 ($50 each)
Respawn: ~3-4 minutes
Locations: Hellfire Cavern, Ember Cave, Mt Silver Cave, Ancient Cave R3, Stark Mountain, Mewtwo's Lair, Whirl Islands B3, Spear Pillar.

Mining level required: 80
Exp: 3000-4000
Contains: Rainbow Gemstone ($20,000 each)
Respawn: ~20-30 minutes
Locations: Ancient Dungeon, Spear Pillar, Sinnoh Underground, Sinnoh Safari Zone, Twist Mountain, Deep Giant Chasm, Reversal Mountain, Unova Victory Road, Water Temple.

Mining level required: Varies
Exp: 800-1000
Contains: Gold Gemstone ($1,500 each)
Respawn: Varies

Gold rocks work differently to the rest in that they have a small chance (1/200) of appearing in place of any other rock. The mining level required and respawn time is that of the rock it replaced.

Dark and lava rocks have a 2x boost to Pokemon encounter rates.


Each pickaxe gives a slightly faster mining speed than the previous one, and increases the chance of hitting a double (2x gemstones and exp from a single rock). If you have multiple pickaxes in your inventory, the first one will be used.

Old Pickaxe

Mining level required: 1
Source: Purchased from the Mining Guru in Mt. Moon for $5,000.
Chance for double: 0%

Mining level required: 5
Source: Purchased from the Mining Guru in Turtle Cove for $12,000.
Chance for double: 1%

Mining level required: 20
Source: Purchased from the Mining Guru in Cerulean Cave F4 for $35,000.
Chance for double: 5%

Mining level required: 50
Source: Crafted by combining Metal Coat, Steel Wire and Super Pickaxe.
Chance for double: 10%

Mining level required: 100
Source: Crafted by combining Master Ball and Steel Pickaxe.
Chance for double: 15%

Mining Vendor

Gemstones can be sold to the Mining Vendor, who can be found in the following locations:

Pewter City, east of the Mart.
Cinnabar Island, west of the Mart.
Cianwood City, north of the cave entrance.
Blackthorn City, west side of town.
Mauville City, east of the Pokemon Center.
Rustboro City, east of the Pokemon Center.
Oreburgh City, east of the Pokemon Center.
Veilstone City, east side of town.
Survival Area, east of the Mart.

Gold Rush

Every 6-12 hours, a Gold Rush will start in a random cave. During this time, rocks within the cave have a high chance of respawning as Gold Rocks, along with having a 2x legendary encounter rate. Gold Rushes can be lucrative for both money and mining exp, so competition for rocks can be fierce.

Wild Pokemon

Mining rocks have a small chance to contain wild Pokemon. The higher level the rock, the greater the chance of rarer Pokemon. Rainbow and Gold rocks cannot contain Pokemon.




Very Rare

Extremely Rare


Requires 75+ mining level.

Item Drops

Mining rocks have a small chance to contain items other than gemstones. The higher level the rock, the greater the chance of better quality items. Rainbow and Gold rocks cannot contain items.

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