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Fishing is one of two skills in PokeNexus. If you have a fishing rod, press F while facing a body of water to fish. Hooking a wild Pokemon will initiate the fishing minigame*, where you'll need to try and press spacebar at the right time to land the hook within the success zone. Landing in the green (perfect hook) grants 1.5x Pokemon and fishing exp.

* Unless you have an AFK Rod, in which case the hooking minigame is skipped.

Fishing Rods

Each rod gives a slightly faster fishing speed than the previous one.

Old Rod

Fishing level required: 1
Source: Purchased from the Fisherman in the house west of the Pokemon Center in Vermilion City for $5,000.

Fishing level required: 5
Source: Purchased from the Fisherman in a house east of the Pokemon Center in Fuchsia City for $12,000.

Fishing level required: 20
Source: Purchased from the Fisherman on Route 12 for $35,000.

Fishing level required: 50
Source: Crafted by combining Metal Coat, Steel Wire and Super Rod.

Fishing level required: 100
Source: Crafted by combining Master Ball and Steel Rod.

Fishing level required: 50
Source: Purchased from Lance, after defeating Kanto E4, for 50 Elite Tokens.

Common Leads

Here are some Pokemon that are best suited for maximising exp gain in the higher level fishing areas.

Note: Pokemon with the Suction Cups or Sticky Hold abilities increasing hook speed, however they typically aren't fast or strong enough to OHKO in the higher-level areas. They can still be useful if you're running from encounters.

Flail users

Flail is an extremely strong move, reaching 200 Base Power when its user is at 1 HP. An easy way to get to 1 HP is by using the move Endure. It also has great neutral coverage being Normal type.

Note that due to a bug Watchog/Diggersby cannot currently learn Endure, so you'll need to lower its HP another way (such as a friend using False Swipe) or use another move such as Return.

Psychic types

Strong Psychic types with good coverage moves such as Psyshock, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt (or Shock Wave for Alakazam).

Electric types

Fast with a strong Thunderbolt.

Locations with Fishing Level Requirements

Kanto Safari Zone

Fishing level required: 15
Notable Pokemon: Dratini
Notable Drops: Kings Rock

Turtle Cove

Fishing level required: 20
Notable Pokemon: Squirtle
Notable Drops: Dragon Scale

Cerulean Cave F4

Fishing level required: 25
Notable Pokemon: Milotic
Notable Drops: Amber Shard, Dome Shard, Helix Shard

Water Labyrinth

Fishing level required: 25
Notable Pokemon: Feebas
Notable Drops: Kings Rock, Prism Scale, Dragon Scale

Toto Cave

Fishing level required: 30
Notable Pokemon: Totodile

Johto Safari Zone

Fishing level required: 35
Notable Drops: Kings Rock

Dragons Den

Fishing level required: 40
Notable Pokemon: Dratini
Notable Drops: Dragon Scale

Altering Cave

Fishing level required: 45
Notable Drops: Black Sludge, Bright Powder, Lagging Tail, Quick Claw, Rocky Helmet, Shell Bell, Ancient Key (Loop-Half)

Hoenn Safari Zone

Fishing level required: 50
Notable Pokemon: Mudkip
Notable Drops: Surfboard

Sinnoh Safari Zone

Fishing level required: 60
Notable Pokemon: Totodile, Piplup
Notable Drops: Surfboard

Battle Zone (Fight Area / Resort Area / Survival Area & routes)

Fishing level required: 70
Notable Pokemon: Varies

Mossy Cave

Fishing level required: 75
Notable Pokemon: Dratini, Milotic
Notable Drops: Shed Shell, Cover Shard, Jaw Shard, Plume Shard, Sail Shard

Ancient Dungeon

Fishing level required: 80
Notable Pokemon: Dratini
Notable Drops: Legendary Bait, Muscle Band, Soothe Bell, Wise Glasses

Water Temple

Fishing level required: 80
Notable Pokemon: Manaphy, Dratini
Notable Drops: Dragon Scale

Whirl Islands B3

Fishing level required: 100
Notable Pokemon: Lugia

Cave of Origin

Fishing level required: 100
Notable Pokemon: Kyogre

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