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EV Training


EV stands for Effort Value. It's a hidden value that every Pokemon has, that directly affects their stats.

  • A Pokemon may have up to 510 EVs, or 252 in a single stat.
  • Each EV is assigned to a single stat.
  • Four EVs in a stat will increase the stat by 1*.

* At level 100. At lower levels, a Pokemon will require more EVs to gain stats.

When you catch a Pokemon, their total EVs will be 0. To gain EVs, that Pokemon must defeat wild Pokemon in battle. Which Pokemon you defeat will dictate which stat the EVs contribute towards.

For example, defeating Paras rewards 1 Attack EV. If your Pokemon defeats 100 Paras, they will gain 100 Attack EVs. Those 100 Attack EVs would result in 25 (100/4) extra Attack stat points (at level 100).

Certain items can be useful for EV training:

Effort Brace - Holder will not gain exp

Macho Brace - Holder gains double the EVs, but halves speed

Gold Effort Brace - Both of the above effects

EV Reset - Resets a Pokemons EVs to 0


Vitamins can increase a Pokemons EVs:

HP Up - Gain 10 HP EVs

Protein - Gain 10 Attack EVs

Iron - Gain 10 Defense EVs

Calcium - Gain 10 Special Attack EVs

Zinc - Gain 10 Special Defense EVs

Carbos - Gain 10 Speed EVs

Training Spots


HP EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Mt. Moon E4WhismurKanto
Viridan ForestCaterpieKanto
Route 9 (Surf)WishiwashiKanto
Four Island (Surf)

Wishiwashi, Marill, Wooper, Slowpoke

Sevii Islands
Rusturf TunnelWhismur, Loudred, ExploudHoenn


Attack EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Mt. Moon E1ParasKanto
Route 42 (Fish)Gyarados, SeakingJohto
Dewford Town (Fish)Gyarados, Seaking, CorphishHoenn
Snowpoint City (Fish)Gyarados, GoldeenSinnoh


Defense EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Mt. Moon E3GeodudeKanto
Viridian ForestKakuna, MetapodKanto
Ember CaveGraveler, MagcargoJohto
Route 111Graveler, SandslashHoenn

Special Attack

Special Attack EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Mt. Moon E2SlugmaKanto
Pokemon TowerGastly, Haunter, GengarKanto
Hellfire CavernSlugmaSevii Islands
Old ChateauGastly, Haunter, GengarSinnoh

Special Defense

Special Defense EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Vermilion City (Surf)TentacoolKanto
Blackthorn City (Surf)TentacruelJohto
Sunnyshore City (Surf)Tentacruel Sinnoh


Speed EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Diglett's CaveDiglett, DugtrioKanto
Route 1Rattata, PidgeyKanto
Route 16Raticate, SpearowKanto
Hunty's Path

Raticate, Fearow, Pidgeotto, Cutiefly, Jumpluff

Sevii Islands
Meteor FallsGolbatHoenn

Attack + Speed

Attack + Speed EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Route 22

Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Ekans, Mankey

Pokemon MansionRaticate, ArbokKanto
Route 43

Pidgeot, Toucannon, Gumshoos, Bewear

Unova Route 3

Watchog, Raticate, Stoutland, Liepard, and 4 rares


Special Attack + Speed

Special Attack + Speed EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Lost Tower

Zubat, Golbat, Gastly, Haunter


HP + Defense

HP + Defense EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Route 112Magcargo, MarillHoenn

HP + Special Defense

HP + Special Defense EV training locations
LocationWild PokemonRegion
Deep Icefall Cave (Surf)Tentacool, Marill, Wooper, Seel, SlowpokeSevii Islands
Unova Route 4 (Surf)Tentacruel, Marill, Alomomola, SlowpokeUnova

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