Every 3-6 hours, a swarm of Pokemon will appear. During which, 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 2 rare, 2 very rare and 2 extremely rares will appear on a random route, replacing the current wild Pokemon.
When a swarm is active, there will be a notification in the top-left below the blessings.
A swarm route also gains the following benefits for the duration (land encounters only, mining not included):
- +25% encounter rate (reduced to +10% for legendaries)
- +10% shiny rate
- +25% more experience
Name | Type | Rarity |
rock electric | Common | |
dark normal | Common | |
ground steel | Common | |
normal | Common | |
poison flying | Common | |
ghost poison | Common | |
water flying | Common | |
bug poison | Common | |
normal flying | Common | |
normal flying | Common | |
grass fairy | Common | |
ghost ground | Common | |
rock ground | Common | |
poison | Common | |
poison | Common | |
bug flying | Common | |
normal | Common | |
dark | Uncommon | |
ice steel | Uncommon | |
water fairy | Uncommon | |
bug fairy | Uncommon | |
bug flying | Uncommon | |
normal | Uncommon | |
normal flying | Uncommon | |
water ground | Uncommon | |
bug rock | Uncommon | |
normal | Uncommon | |
grass poison | Uncommon | |
grass poison | Uncommon | |
water flying | Uncommon | |
poison dark | Rare | |
water | Rare | |
grass | Rare | |
fire | Rare | |
fire normal | Rare | |
electric | Rare | |
bug poison | Rare | |
normal | Rare | |
dark fighting | Rare | |
electric steel | Rare | |
bug flying | Rare | |
water dark | Rare | |
electric psychic | Very Rare | |
ice | Very Rare | |
grass dragon | Very Rare | |
fire ghost | Very Rare | |
bug steel | Very Rare | |
dark | Very Rare | |
psychic | Very Rare | |
fighting | Very Rare | |
ground | Very Rare | |
normal flying | Very Rare | |
psychic | Very Rare | |
normal | Very Rare | |
water | Very Rare | |
electric ghost | Very Rare | |
grass poison | Extremely Rare | |
fire | Extremely Rare | |
water | Extremely Rare | |
grass | Extremely Rare | |
fire | Extremely Rare | |
water | Extremely Rare | |
grass | Extremely Rare | |
fire | Extremely Rare | |
water | Extremely Rare | |
grass | Extremely Rare | |
fire | Extremely Rare | |
water | Extremely Rare | |
grass | Extremely Rare | |
fire | Extremely Rare | |
water | Extremely Rare | |
grass | Extremely Rare | |
fire | Extremely Rare | |
water | Extremely Rare | |
grass flying | Extremely Rare | |
fire | Extremely Rare | |
water | Extremely Rare | |
dragon | Extremely Rare | |
ghost fairy | Extremely Rare | |
dragon | Extremely Rare | |
fighting | Extremely Rare | |
dark ice | Extremely Rare | |
bug flying | Extremely Rare | |
ground flying | Extremely Rare | |
poison water | Extremely Rare | |
grass poison | Extremely Rare | |
dark steel | Extremely Rare |
Item | Drop Rate | Notes |
1/9,000 | None | |
1/25,000 | None | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Steel-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Rock-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Normal-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Fighting-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Flying-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Dark-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Dragon-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Ghost-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Poison-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Fire-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Water-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Psychic-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Grass-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Fairy-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Ground-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Bug-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Electric-type | |
1/2,500 | Lead must be Ice-type |